SKSC November Mini-Meet

December 6, 2022

SKSC Bronze Mini-meet


Congratulations to our Bronze swimmers who participated in the first mini-meet of the season on November 11 at Guildford pool! Mini-meets are the first level of racing for our development program. Swimmers have the opportunity to race in 25m and 50m races. As they become more comfortable and confident in their racing, they are given the chance to complete more races and attend the next level meet: PASS meet.


The coaches were happy to see the swimmers put on their best performance and show off their skills in the water! Lots of excellent streamlines and fast flutter kicks were seen, and amazing cheering on the sidelines by teammates. We are thrilled to see the swimmers so excited to race as it’s one of the main goals we work towards in competitive swimming.


Great work to everyone and we are looking forward to the next event - PASS meet on Dec4 and Roundtable on Dec16.