ADULT MASTERS - Please email

PREVIOUS COMPETITIVE SWIMMERS - if your swimmer has previous competitive experience and can swim a 200IM under 4mins, please email

PARA-SWIMMERS - For swimmers with a disability, please email


2024-25 Season

New Members please fill out interest form below.  We will reach out once fall assessments are set.  Note, priority for open spots will go to waitlisted and summer program swimmers.  If you have already been assessed for the 2023-24 season, DO NOT fill out.

2024-25 Season Interest Form

Summer Programming 2024
Please look at where your swimmer fits and click on the button to either register for an assessment or for instructions.

Royal Knights Summer Session

Ages 9 & Under
Swimmer 2-4 (or passed preschool)
may not be comfortable in deep water

Assessment Required

RKA Assessment Sign Up

Summer Camps or Summer League

Ages 10&Under: Swimmer 6 and Up
Ages 11& Over: Swimmer 7 and Up
must be comfortable in deep water

No assessment required.

Account Creation Instructions

Summer Camps or Summer League

Ages 10 & Under: Swimmer 4-5
(25m front crawl and backstroke comfortably)
Ages 11& Over: Swimmer 5-6
(50m front crawl and backstroke comfortably
must be comfortable in deep water

Assessment Required

Summer Camp/League Assessments

Step 1: Assessment

To determine which group would best suit your swimmer, all swimmers joining the team will under go an assessment.  This ensures the best opportunity for your swimmer's skill development, fun and safety, to place them in the appropriate group

The assessment will take about 10-15mins.  Your swimmer will be run through some lengths of the pool to assess their skill and fitness level.  Based on the assessment, the age, and goals for your swimmer, the coaches will recommend group options for them. 

After the assessment, we will go over what groups your swimmer qualifies for and you'll be given information regarding fees, schedules and registration.

Adult Masters
No assessment needed if you can swim 100m continuously.  Email with your name, birthday and email and we will follow up with account information.

Competitive Swimmers
If your swimmer has previous competitive experience and can swim a 200IM under 4mins, please email  Make sure to include your previous swim experience, times, etc..

All other Swimmers
Please email to set up an assessment.  Please include your swimmer's name, birthdate and previous swim level and/or experience.  Make sure to check out our entry points below to ensure your swimmer meets the minimum requirements for their age.




Step 2: Finalize Your Account

Once you've received your assessed group, our registrar will follow up and set up a basic account for you.

Once that happens, you will receive a password reset email.  Once you are logged into the website, click on your email address in the upper right corner and select My Account.

•Click My profile to update your contact information
•Click on your swimmer's name to update their information
•Click add payment method to add your credit card

**IMPORTANT: Your Swimmer's Information (including Health Card Number), and Payment Method need to be updated or you will need to restart your swimmer's registration halfway through the process.

Step 3: Register

Click on Registration and select the appropriate program (see diagram if you forget). 
From there select the group that your swimmer was assessed for and complete the registration.
Once registration is completed, you will get a confirmation email and see a success screen.  If you do not get a confirmation screen or email, you did not complete your registration (make sure to tick the waiver boxes).


Please note, you cannot register until your account is approved, which will occur AFTER your swimmer is assessed or they've been approved for a group.

**IMPORTANT: Your Swimmer's Information (including Health Card Number), and Payment Method need to be updated BEFORE you register, or you will need to restart your swimmer's registration halfway through the process.
